John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11

I decided to devote the first few posts to this blog to answering the biggest version of "why".  Taking this concept of "why" and putting into the "big picture".

My biggest why is an easy answer to figure out.  Two of my favorite verses speak so much to my why.  Jesus died for me.  He knew my name on that cross.  He knew every sin I'd ever commit.  And He still CHOSE to die for me.  Of course, He died for all of us and that in itself is a love so hard to fathom. But when you really stop and think and realize He loved you that much...the person that messes up daily, the one who struggles with so many things brought on by the world we live in, the one who can't seem to keep it all together, whatever that "thing" is...He still loved you that much.  And if He can die for me, surely I can do my best to live each day for Him.  

In teaching our girls about Christ and how much He loves us, one day I explained to Sophia that He knows every hair on our head.  Mind you we were doing hair then and for those of you who do not know, that child's hair is THICK!!!  Guys, there are days you'd think I was torturing her based on her reaction to me brushing her hair and there aren't many days where she doesn't tell me how much she hates her thick hair because it gets tangly.  Ladies, I have assured her she will appreciate this later in life, but for now, she isn't buying what I'm selling.  Anyway, in typical Sophia form, she said something along of the lines, "but my hair falls out everyday and you pull it out everyday when you brush it, so how does He know?"  See the kinds of questions I get.  And you know how I responded, "He just does."  Deep, right?!  But it's the truth, He loves us so much, He just does.

And not only does He love us so much He died for us, but He keeps walking right along with us every single day.  He has a plan for us.  A good plan, one to prosper us and not harm us.  One that even when it seems ridiculous, He knows is good.  This is one I struggled with this year.  First of all, change can be good.  It can be.  I believe that, I even remind myself of that often.  Like getting a new puppy - that's a good change, hard but good.  Or a new baby!  Even better.  Sleepless nights but such an amazing change.  But truthfully, I don't like it...not one little bit.  I don't even like when the plans that are in my head for the day, get jumbled and tossed around.  So when your husband tells you you're being relocated to Dallas away from all of your "framily", you put in quite the fight.  You go through every alternative solution you can possibly think of.  Then you try and figure out another option to the ones you've already exhausted.  And then, finally, you give up.  

And finally, when my stubbornness was over, and God finally got my attention, He reminded me of my favorite verse and gave me a peace that it might not be easy, but He is going to make it good.  And He is.  Yes, it's hard.  Yes, I miss Katy.  But He is making this, this where we are right now, good.  And for that I am grateful.  

May I always seek HIS "why" first, far before I seek my own.
